
Bull Sharks & Conch Salad - We Have Arrived

Bull Sharks & Conch Salad - We Have Arrived
Once again, it's time to practice what we preach. For so many of us, Covid has shaken up our daily lives, views & perspectives on what is possible. We have chosen to make the most out of this unique moment in time by taking our family on the kind adventure that we help launch for so many others. Follow along with us this winter as we explore the Bahamas with our 2 boys (Hendrix & Max) & one dog (Augie) aboard our Duffy 35 lobster boat, MATINICUS. After all, we're not only the owners of Forbes Horton Yachts, we are also the clients.

Our weather window to depart Fort Lauderdale, FL for Bimini, Bahamas came on January 7th. With  our roadside Covid tests showing negate results, we made a plan to leave around 6am, as the wind was due to pick up in the early afternoon.  Though Forbes can be  a restless one and I heard the start of the engine at 1am.The trip over was uneventful as I slept for most of it and woke to relieve Forbes moments before the sky began to lighten, Bimini on the horizon.

At Big Game Marina we were warmly welcomed by bull sharks circling our transom & a friendly dock master. After a deep inhale of the salty air & checking into customs, we took a golf cart ride through town for the famous conch salad at Joe's Conch Stand and picked up a portable wifi router from Aliv. We were finally here.

After lunch we snorkeled at the shipwreck Sapona, rescued our drenched dog from an accidental dip in predator filled waters and agreed as Max decided he wanted to swim there as well - his eyes huge as he stepped down the ladder & into the shark cage - taking in the view of baited bull sharks. The perfect ending to our first day in The Bahamas.

Peanut Island, Palm Beach Florida 

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

 Bimini, Bahamas

​Chubb Cay, Bahamas

​Nassau to Highbourne Cay, Bahamas

Allan's & Little Normans Cay, Bahamas

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Comments 1

Guest - Goggy on Monday, 18 January 2021 18:23

Loving all the terrific photos!!

Loving all the terrific photos!!
Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Jabin's Yacht Yard
7344 Edgewood Rd
Annapolis, MD 21403

Ph: 443-254-2337
Fx: 410-268-0198

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