
Propellers : The Sails You Don't See

As more and more sailors make the transition from sailboats to power the importance of understanding basic propeller theory is important. Like your sails, the propeller's performance is directly linked to its size and shape and this article was designed to touch on the importance of boat propeller tuning from a sailor's perspective. Moving a boat w...

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Well Protected

The new owner of this Pacific Seacraft 44 is working with Diversified Marine to put the boats bottom back to factory spec. The light grey material is the remnants (after sanding) of a factory installed barrier coat installed over the beige gel-coat.The vinyl ester resins used by PS, have served extremely well to protect the boats laminate, even aft...

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Our friend and artist!

We are fortunate to have a brightwork genius, Glenroy, home based across the creek from Forbes Horton Yachts. He is from the island of Bequi and is currently taking excellent care of several of the finest yachts on the East Coast.Call us if we can make an introduction!

  945 Hits

Jabin's Yacht Yard
7344 Edgewood Rd
Annapolis, MD 21403

Ph: 443-254-2337
Fx: 410-268-0198

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