One Month Confessions
Once again, it's time to practice what we preach. For so many of us, Covid has shaken up our daily lives, views & perspectives on what is possible. We have chosen to make the most out of this unique moment in time by taking our family on the kind adventure that we help launch for so many others. Follow along with us this winter as we explore the Bahamas with our 2 boys (Hendrix & Max) & one dog (Augie) aboard our Duffy 35 lobster boat, MATINICUS. After all, we're not only the owners of Forbes Horton Yachts, we are also the clients.
I realize what is happening back home & how lucky I am to be here, with my family, in a warm, natural, gorgeous safe place. I struggle each time I sit down to gather my thoughts. I ask myself if sharing this blog is insensitive or written in poor taste. However, I know that in the following years - when this experience is only a memory.. these posts will take me right back to this magical place & this boat, rocking gently in the sunshine.I share these words & photos with recognition of my circumstances and an abundance of gratitude.
We are closing in on a month of cruising in the Bahamas. One month. Five weeks of meals & school & sleeping aboard on what we once considered our day boat … or maybe our weekend boat. Before heading south last month, two nights aboard was the longest we had ever cruised on this boat. Two nights of sleepless slumber seemed like more than enough…
I wasn't sure how I would feel at this point in our trip. Would our close quarters make life too uncomfortable? Would we all be getting on each others nerves? What are my thoughts after 30 days aboard this little ship?
This is really fun. New reefs to snorkel, caves to swim into, sharks to pet and islands to explore means that each day brings a different experience. Meeting up with old friends, clients, & new cruisers along the way means that we are never lonely. Homeschooling, dog walking & the unending duties of domestic life on a boat means that we are never bored. Each task carries a purpose in which I can give complete focus… and the joy I experience from discovering a smarter or better way to get something done is unparalleled. When a fellow cruising buddy recently told me his method for catching & killing flies, I couldn't wait to test it out.
I usually take great pride in my ability to multitask. But here, on this boat, there is no multitasking. Here it is simply one thing at a time. It's a refreshing luxury. Even errands have taken on a new meaning. It turns out that taking the dinghy into town to look for some lettuce and green peppers, but not really knowing if the little grocery store will even have them in stock- not really knowing where the little grocery store even is - is way more fun than filling up the back of my car with with bags of everything that I am craving.
At least this is all fun today…. we'll see how I feel next month. I have the extreme luxury of knowing I will be home again soon - hair less frizzed & sleeping in a big soft bed, my refrigerator full of all my favorite foods. Knowing this allows me to stay present in this moment.
If ever there was a moment in which to be present, this is it.
Pipe Cay, Bahamas
Rachel's Bubble Bath, Compass Cay, Bahamas
Compass Cay, Bahamas
Sampson Cay, Bahamas
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